How to create a gmail account?

gmail create
Hello friends, Welcome to all of you in my new tutorial. I am here to help you in your problems which you face you in your everyday life.

Dear veiwers,
# A gmail account is very important for our everyday life. So, today I am here to show all of you "How to create a gmail account."
So lets start..........
At first we go to an internet browser. Here is a page of Google. In address bar we have to write "".
Now a gmail page appears before us. If you have already a gmail account, you can sign in here. As we are going to create a new gmail account, we just click on "create account".

Here is the page of creating a gmail account including a form. We need to fill up the from as the requirements.
At first we have to write your first name than the last. Now we choose our email address. If there is already a mail address like yours then you have to add more alphabets, numbers or signs with you mail address. Then you need to create a password to protect your mail. A strong password very important to us. We just input it as our wish. After that we write the same password the next box to confirm our password. Then you select you date of birth according to month, date and year and select our gender. Then you need a phone number to varify your mail address in "mobile phone" option. If you add a gmail address( it must be created before) then you can add it the "you current gmail address" option. Choose you location than just click "Next step".
You can see a page named "Privacy and Term",you must be clicked on "I Agree" option.
Then here show a page "Varify you account" then you have varified it accourding to the number by selecting "Text massege" or "Voice call". I choose "Text massege" option. Here I like to say if you choose 1st option to varify then a code is sent by the google team in you moblie phone, and if you choose the 2nd option, google team inform you the code by calling you. I choose 1st option. then select "continue". After that we have enter the sent code and click 'continue'. 
Here the gmail address is shown in this page then click 'continue to gmail' option. The gmail page is loading. It may take some time. Then there are some instuction on how to use your gmail account. We just click 'next' or skip the box. 

This is the process to open a gmail account. Thank you so much for being with me. By inviting all of you for seeing my next tutorial, good bye.

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